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Sunday, 20 September 2009

Sundays are just so long and dull, I finally had a chance to do some more editing on my vid for AnamariaSparrow's/ImmortalSparrow's contest but my interest has just gone atm, but hopefully It'll come back before the contest ends and/or my Vegas pro 9 trail expires. I'm so near completing my first lush swap so I'll be posting about it in my new 'Lush' section of my blog when I get the package :)
It's five years today since my nan died, so I'm quite sad about that, but I was year 8 at the time and I didn't realise until today how many of my memories have faded, the photo didn't even look how I remembered her when I saw it today, growing up is strange sometimes, I feel sorry for my dad though (as it was his mum) so I hope he's ok.
Anyway to end on a lighter note my nan was one of the most generous people I know so it's not like I'm ever going to completely forget :)

Much love
Natalie (aka Itunesbabe)

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