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Friday 15 January 2010

Ok - I finally caved in and bought the WAY overpriced 'Secret smile' DVD from HMV yesterday because I couldn't stand not to have it any longer. They charged me £13 for a six year old DVD! - Plus it wasn't till I was peeling of the price sticker that I saw that at one point it was £8.99 - grrrrr.

But I had to have it - especially I've been wanting to use clips from it in my latest vid - Brendon/Anna - We're going down. I have a few previews up atm and I hope to have the finished vid up within the next few days.

I'm completely changing my vidding style in a bid to get more subscribers/make my vids look more professional:

- I've now changed my watermark and decided to keep the same watermark for all if not most of my vids that are forthcoming.
- Plus I'm actually spending ages editing each vid to make them perfect - or as close as can be.
- Finally, my upcoming Brendon/Anna vid, is soo different to my usual vidding style, I'm defiantly keeping to the 15 certificate of both 'films.' (Ok Secret smile is a drama but I'll call it a film for arguments sake.) It involves an abusive relationship, insanity, rape and murder, plus a relationship that I'm sure some will find inappropriate. But I just want to advance in my vidding and make it a bit more adult - I mean I'm 18 in less than a month for goodness sake! Plus I've been wanting to do a vid on Anna's insanity and Brendan's obsessive nature for some time now. So yer post if you like the idea of branching of into different areas (I'll still vid my old style as well), and I hope your looking forward to the next vid.

Much love
Natalie (aka Itunesbabe)

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